How do I post and edit Admin Tips?

Are you as excited about changes to Admin Tips as we are? Yes, we know you are!  We have even more in store, so this is our first version which we will continue to polish and shine for you. 

You can post and edit Admin Tips in the new dedicated Admin Tips tool located under More with the other Admin tools in your community. This tool is only available on the website (desktop and mobile) for now. Here's how it works!

To edit an existing Admin Tip

On Desktop Web

  1. Log in to VarageSale, and go to a community that you're the Admin of.
  2. Select "More", and then "Admin Tips"
  3. Here you'll see all of the existing Admin Tips (from ALL admins and mods in your community... not just yours!). You can click on any of them to edit or delete it. You can also Pin them by clicking the Pin icon on the thumbnail image. If the Pin icon is grey, it means it's not currently Pinned; if the pin is green, it means it is currently Pinned.

On Mobile Web

1. Log into VarageSale and go to a community you're an admin of.
2. Tap on the " 3 line" menu in the top left corner, and select "Admin Tips".

3. To Pin a post, tap on the Pin icon in the bottom left corner of the post thumbnail. To edit a post, just tap on the post. If the Pin icon is grey, it means it's not currently Pinned; if the pin is green, it means it is currently Pinned.

To post a new Admin Tip

On Desktop Web

  1. Click the blue "New Admin Tip" button on the right side of the page.
  2. Just like when posting an item, select the photo you'd like to upload by dragging it into the square or clicking the blue "Upload Photos" button.
  3. Now just fill in the post details, select the community (or communities!) you'd like to post it in, and click "Submit Items"!

On Mobile Web

Posting an Admin Tip on Mobile Web is just like  posting an item. Just be sure to select the Admin Tips category.

1. Go to a community you're an Admin in, and select " Post Item".

2. Add an image, title, description and select Admin Tips as the category, along with the appropriate sub-category. Complete the posting details, and tap "Post" in the top right corner.

On mobile apps

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