How do I delete a member's item?

On the web

On the iOS app

On the Android/Kindle app

This feature is available on desktop website and mobile apps.

Admins are able to delete items that are on the prohibited items list for VarageSale or prohibited according to the community's own house rules.  

On the web:

On the website, you can delete a member's item from the feed, or from the item view.  **Please note:  These delete options are only visible to Admins/Mods.  Members won't see the delete option on these views.  They will need to select Edit to get to a delete option. ( Click here to see the delete instructions for a member.)

Members are encouraged to mark their item as sold instead of deleting. This not only give other potential buyers a chance to see that it was sold, but also gives the seller more exposure by their item staying in the community.

From the feed:

Or from the item view:

On the iOS app

Tap the drop down arrow to the right of the title, then tap Delete.

On the Android/Kindle app

Tap the three lines menu button, then tap delete.

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