How do I add or view notes on a member's profile?

On the web

On the iOS app

On the Android app

This feature is available on the desktop website and mobile apps.

Admins can add and view notes attached to a member's profile.  

On the website

From the website, admin notes are accessible on the member's profile or through the Members dashboard.

While viewing the member's profile, a note with contents is shown as blue.  Click the blue notebook and the admin note is displayed.

From the member dashboard, the blue notebook is displayed to the right.  When clicked, the admin note is displayed below the member name.

On the iOS app

To access the members dashboard, tap the 3 dots in the bottom right to access the menu and tap Members.  Search the member's name and tap the black notebook icon to view the note.  You can view or edit. Don't forget to save!  You can also see the last admin to update the notes at the bottom of the screen.  

On the Android app

To access the Members dashboard, tap the three lines on the top left to access the menu, and tap Members. Search the member's name and tap the black notebook icon to view the note.  You can view or edit. Don't forget to save!  You can also see the last admin to update the notes at the top of the screen.  

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