Community Settings - General Information Tab - "About" & Rules

Pre-join tagline

This is what members see prior to requesting to join. This is something short that briefly tells them where your community is located, a warm greeting, or something that would help them know whether or not the community is for them.  Examples:

  • This community is for residents, workers and travelers of Toronto.
  • This community accepts members from within all of Michigan
  • Welcome! We’re open 24/7. Come on in!
  • Welcome to the best way to buy, sell, and trade online!

** Note ** Once you are a member of a community, you will not see the pre-join tagline.  But don’t worry, it is really there!!

About the community text

General information about the community. This is what your members will see on the community’s About page.

Rules and guidelines

Put the community rules and guidelines here.

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